Press Release Shadowing 2023

Thursday 6 July 2023
The NoDE’s Shadowing Program “Become a doctor’s shadow” has already been an invaluable experience for the first group of students of the current school year, having provided them with a unique opportunity to gain first-hand experience in the medical field. The program takes place at HYGEIA Hospital 6 weeks per year with additional activities also being carried out at our own SIMULATION CENTER and at ISLE Academy, thanks to all of our esteemed partners and contributors who make the implementation of such a unique program achievable.
Each group of students has the incomparable opportunity to follow groups of surgical and non-surgical specialties in their daily activities at HYGEIA hospital as well as to come into a first exciting contact with the fascinating experience of laparoscopic and/or robotic simulation techniques, within the framework of a program lasting for a total of one week.
Moreover, this program can foster a better understanding of the physician-patient relationship, ethical issues in medicine, the interdisciplinary team approach, and the overall workflow in a hospital setting. Additionally, students can develop an appreciation for the challenges and rewards that come with a career in medicine.
In view of the commencement of summer season’s groups of the Shadowing Program, we would like to thank all the students, their parents as well as the respective education managers and competent bodies for school carrier orientation of the Municipality of Vrilissia, the Municipality of Glyfada, the IB of Moraitis School, CAMPION School, Athens College, Arsakeio Psychikou, St. Catherine’s School and Ellinogermaniki Agogi for the unparalleled interest they showed and to mention that all positions have been filled.
Considering of the previous years’ and this year’s first cycle success, the Shadowing Program “Become a doctor’s shadow” seems to hold great promise for the future. We therefore stand committed to continuing to inspire students and contributing to the edification of a dedicated and skilled scientific workforce in the healthcare industry.
Best Regards,
NoDE Institute