Education is an unending process exploring new possibilities. Lifelong learning and continued training in advanced applications and cutting-edge methodologies allow us to stay abreast of medical advances and offer the best possible care to our patients.
Our educational program includes:
Practical training
- Hands-on surgical workshops using fresh frozen human cadaveric models for surgery education imported from the US. Given the complexity and cost of this procedure, NoDE is the only non-profit educational organization in Greece to systematically offer such labs. Acknowledging the selfless contribution of whole-body donors to medical research, we make sure that the cadaveric models are treated with dignity and respect.
- Surgical labs using lifelike synthetic soft tissue models.
- Hundreds of training hours annually on next generation virtual reality systems and simulators designed and manufactured by NoDE. These sessions are offered in the form of private lessons at the NoDE Institute Simulation Center.
- Live surgery.
Theoretical background
- Interactive small-group discussions
- Problem Based Learning
- Tips & Tricks

Our training programs are constantly updated at You can apply here and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Today, at a time when developments in medicine, especially in surgery, are progressing rapidly, NoDE offers opportunities for continued education and training in state-of-the-art knowhow, so that both doctors and patients have access to the latest medical developments and the benefits of specialized surgical expertise in Greece.
Our educational programs are housed in specially designed, dedicated areas of Hygeia Hospital, which provides free infrastructure and facilities, as well as in the premises of other medical institutions and centers.
Colorectal Laparoscopic Surgical Skills (C.LA.S.S) courses offer Continuing Medical Education and Continuing Professional Development (CME-CPD) credits from the Panhellenic Medical Association, based on hours of participation and according to the criteria set by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME-UEMS). Each credit hour corresponds to a full hour of course attendance. Upon completion of the educational program, attendees are awarded certificates of participation.